When creating a new database, Alchemy creates and stores a number of files and folders for the database. All database files are named using the name typed in the File name box on the New Database dialog box.
New Database Dialog

When you create a database, Alchemy creates a database folder and a database definition file.
database_filename folder: The location of this folder depends on where you save the database. When you save the database by entering only a file name in the File name box, Alchemy creates the database sub-folder under the Alchemy program folder. When you enter a complete path in the File name box, Alchemy creates the database subfolder in that location.
ALD: Alchemy Database Definition File. This file contains database and build session definitions. This is the file you open from Alchemy to view the database’s contents. Alchemy also creates the following database-associated files and places them in the database_filename folder:
RID: Resource Identifiers File. This file contains identifiers for profile templates, field definitions, and lookup table.
ROB: Resource Objects File. This file contains the profile template, field definition, and lookup table objects.
LOG: Database Log File. The log file contains a history of all database activity. It is created when you create the database and the first log entry contains the date and time the database was created. A separate log file is created for Alchemy DataGrabber.
TID: Title Identifiers File. This file contains folder and document identifiers.
TOB: Title Objects File. This file contains folder and document titles.
TPR: Temporary Custom Profile File. Custom profile data is stored here until the database is built.
Alchemy Database Files Created

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