Security roles represent the business context of a particular server site and will differ from organization to organization. You should define and create security roles that are applicable to your business model and server management. Note: Domain groups or users who are members of multiple security roles will accumulate functionality from the roles of which they are members. For instance, if members of Security Role A can annotate data-bases and members of Security Role B can print databases, then members of Security Roles A and B will be able to annotate and print databases.
Creating Security Roles

1. In the Alchemy Server console tree, expand Alchemy Server | <the node for your server’s name> | Security. Expand the Security node.
2. Right-click the Roles node generic cialis 10.
3. Click Add role on the shortcut menu. The New Security Role dialog box appears.
New Security Role Dialog

In the Role Name box, type a name for your new security role. Click OK.
Repeat this procedure for each new security role that you want to create
Deleting Security Roles

When you no longer need a security role, you delete the role from the Alchemy Server MMC console.
1. In the Alchemy Server console tree, expand Alchemy Server | <the node for your server’s name> | Security. Expand the Security node. Expand the Roles node.
2. Right-click the security roles that you want to delete.
3. Click Delete Role on the shortcut menu.
When prompted, click Yes to confirm your action. The security role is removed from under the Roles node on the console tree.
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