Using the Copy/Move utility you can: Select folders from multiple open databases and copy them into a current or new database; Move folders or databases, including all subfolders and their contents, to another database; Copy just the file structure (without the contents) of one database to another; Copy or move files retrieved from a search into a new database.
Whether you move only a part of a database or merge two databases into one new database, all of your indexing and support information, such as annotations, overlays, or OCR information, is retained.
You can’t use this feature to copy or move files and folders within the same database. To do that, just drag and drop items within a database.
Notes: You should perform copy/move functions during non-peak hours of database usage and when no concurrent-user activity exists.
This feature is not supported for databases with files outside of containers.
If you copy or move documents from a database under Library Services control, the document version information is not saved to the new location.
Although the operation appears to succeed, you cannot copy or move the following items in a database under Library Services control: Folders that contain documents that are checked out; Documents that are checked out; You must first check in any affected documents before using the copy/move feature.
When using the Copy/Move feature, both the source and destination databases are locked until the copy or move is completed, preventing other users from possibly modifying either database during the copy/move operation.
Copy / Move

Click the Copy/Move Databases button to display the Copy/Move Databases dialog box.
In the Source Database(s) list, do either of the following: Click the Contents tab to view a complete list of open databases, folders and files or Click the Results tab to view a list of files retrieved from your search.
Select a document, folder, or database, one at a time, and click the right arrow button to add it to the Selected Item(s) list.
In the Destination Database section, select the target database.
Select from the following options as desired:
Include children: Select this option to copy/move all subfolders and files below the document you selected in the tree view hierarchy to the new database.
Include parents: Select this option to copy/move the empty folder structure above the document you selected in the tree view hierarchy to the new database.
Annotations; Overlays; OCR: Select these options to include the appropriate support information associated with the items that you want to copy or move.
Overwrite folder profiles: Select this option to overwrite the profile information that exists in the destination database with the information for the items that you want to copy or move. Any folder profile fields shared by the databases maintain current data unless you select to over-write the field in the destination database with data from the source database.
CAUTION: When you select this option, you lose the data in the field after Alchemy replaces the text with the data from the moved field.
Click either Move or Copy, depending on which operation you want to perform. Once the selected items are copied or moved, Alchemy displays a message confirming that the copy/move was success-ful. Click OK. Click Close.
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