Editing Documents

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Once you have checked a document out, you can edit the document in various ways.

In the My Documents tab of the Tree View pane, select the document you want to edit.

Image Edit: You can make the following changes to documents:

Edit an unbuilt image document.

Annotate an image document

Edit a document in its native application

Edit a document’s metadata

When you are done editing the document, save your changes. Now you can check in the document to record your changes.

Editing Document Metadata

When you check out a document and select it in the My Documents tab of the Tree View pane, the Profile pane displays the document profile information: You can edit existing profile information and/or add new profile information to the document.

In the Profile pane, open the File Properties tab.

Click the profile field that you want to edit. A border appears around the field and the current information is highlighted. If the profile field is associated with a lookup table, a drop-down list appears. Note: For audit logging, versioning a document is equivalent to creating a new document. As such, audit logging does not record event histories for edited profile fields. Any new values entered into profile fields are treated as the original values for those profile fields in the versioned document. Type the new information in the field. If the field is associated with a lookup table, select the information you want from the drop-down list.