Using the Database Settings Functional Control List (FCL) you can control what Alchemy functions and features are available to users assigned to a security role for specific databases mapped to that same security role. The default settings for the Database FCL are controlled by the Role Settings FCL. If the Role Settings FCL has not been edited, then the default Database FCL settings will have all options selected. If the Role Settings FCL has been edited, then the default Database FCL settings will reflect the changes made to the Role Settings FCL.
Defining Role level access to Databases
The Database Settings FCL is located under the database node for that specific database. Each database mapped to the security role contains its own Database Settings FCL. The first time that you select a Database Settings FCL, the FCL appears in the Details pane as unedited (FCL options display in gray lettering).
Database Settings

The Role Settings FCL must be modified (edited) in order to limit or change what functionality is available for databases mapped to the security role.
1. In the Alchemy Server console tree, expand Alchemy Server | <the node for your server’s name> | Security | Roles | <the target security role node> | Authorized Databases | <the target database node>.
2. Under the database node, select the Database Settings node. The Database Settings FCL appears in the Details pane. Note: Selecting the Database Settings node displays the Database Settings FCL in read-only mode (the details pane background is gray). If this is the first time you have selected the Database Settings FCL, or if during a previous editing session you reset the Database Settings FCL, the listed FCL options appear in gray lettering.
Right-click the Database Settings node.
Click Edit on the shortcut menu. The Database Settings FCL appears in write (edit) mode.
Note: The first time you enter edit mode for a Database Settings FCL, the FCL displays the defaults set by the Role Settings FCL. If the Role Settings FCL has not been edited then all options are selected. If the Role Settings FCL has been edited, the Database Settings FCL default settings are the same as the edited Role FCL settings. Select the functions and features you want for the specific database.
Note: In order to activate build and other database write features, including the Alchemy Web Add documents feature and Library Services functions, you must select the Can write check box, which is located under the General client settings node at the top of the Role Settings FCL. In addition to selecting individual FCL options, you can also apply global Database FCL settings by clicking:
Defaults Clicking this button applies the original default settings to the Role Settings FCL, i.e., all options are selected. To apply default settings to the FCL, click Defaults and then click OK. When prompted, click Yes to confirm your selection. When you click OK, however, to exit editing mode, the FCL returns to read-only mode in an edited state (the FCL options appear in black let-tering).
Cancel Clicking this button cancels the current FCL editing operation and returns to FCL read-only mode in the state it was in before the current editing operation.
Reset Clicking this button returns the FCL to the default, unedited state (FCL options are listed in gray lettering. To return the FCL to its unedited default state, click Reset. When prompted, click Yes to confirm your selection.
When finished, click OK to save your settings. The Database Settings FCL returns to read-only mode with your specific changes displayed in the FCL Details pane. All FCL options appear as edited (options are displayed in black lettering).
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