A index field can be used for entering data, displaying information, and searching databases. Index fields are added to document or folder profiles. Two types of fields are available for use with profiles, system fields and custom fields.
Locating the Index Fields

From an Administrator’s license select Design > Fields.
System Field Names

Ten Standard System Fields are included with the product and the names of each are listed above.
ID (numeric field): Unique document ID number. System generated; non-editable.
Full Text (text field): For searching document contents; for use on query profiles and with OCR zones.
Document Title (text field): A 256-character editable field.
Folder Title (text field): A 256-character editable field.
File Name (text field): Original file name; non-editable.
File Directory (text field): Original source file path; non-editable.
File Size (numeric field): The file size in bytes; non-editable.Indexing databases 84
File Format (numeric field): The file’s native application or format; non-editable. This field is nu-meric because Alchemy uses an enumerated table to determine a file’s format, and then translates it to a string.
File Date (date field): Date the source file was created; non-editable.
Declared Record (text field): Whether the document has been designated as a record. This field is only available if you purchased and installed Alchemy Records Management (ARM).
Time Stamp (date field): Represents a date and time value. Use this field to create a date/time stamp for a file.
Custom Fields can be created by selecting New.
Creating Custom Fields

Name is the field’s name.
Data Type list, select from the following options:
Text: Select this option for values comprised of only letters, only numbers, or a mixture of letters and numbers (e.g., Smith, A123, $100). Users can enter up to 6000 characters in text fields. Although text fields allow numeric values to be
entered, searchers cannot perform numeric range searches on a text field. To enable range searching, use a numeric field type.Indexing databases 85 • Although you can choose to index other fields, only text fields allow you to choose an
index-ing method. Also, lookup tables are only available for text fields.
Integer Number: Select this option for whole number values between -2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647.
Floating Point Number: Select this option for number values that include a decimal point. Users can enter up to 15 digits. CAUTION: Values that use a comma as the decimal separator are stored incorrectly. Therefore, the period is the
only supported decimal separator. For example, the number 123,78 is stored as 12378 rather than 123.78.
Date: Select this option for date values. Users can enter any non-numeric character to separate the day, month, and year. Only two digits for the year are required. If the user does not enter a year, the current year is assumed.
Time Stamp: Select this option for date and time values. You must enter the date first, followed by the time, for example, 01/01/01 12:00:00am. Users can enter any non-numeric character to separate the day, month, and year. Only two
digits for the year are required. If the user does not enter a year, the current year is assumed. Enter a whole number between 0 and 23 to represent the hour. Alchemy automatically interprets whole numbers from 0 to 11 as before noon
(am) and whole numbers from 12 to 23 as after noon (pm). Separate hours, minutes and seconds using colons :’, for example 12:45:36. Include am or pm at the end of the time if using whole numbers from 1 to 12 to represent the hour.
Index field with indexing method check box to index the field. Only indexed fields can be searched. For date and numeric fields, the indexing method is automatically determined. For text fields, you must select an indexing method from the list below the check box, as described below, that is consistent with the type of data that will be stored in the field.
All words excluding pure numbers: Use this method for fields that contain words or values consisting of only letters, or words consisting of letters and numbers. Words consisting of only numbers with no letters are not indexed. This
method also includes tilde (~) character.
All words and pure numbers: Use this method for fields that contain words or values consisting of only letters, words consisting of letters and numbers, and only numbers. This method also in-cludes the dollar ($), the euro (e), the
forward slash (/), and the tilde (~) characters.
All characters including space: Use this method to index all characters, numbers, and spaces.
Default Alchemy DataGrabber: When you use Alchemy DataGrabber to create and populate profile fields as files are added, select this indexing method to index all words and numbers in the fields that are created.
Lookup table check box to allow users to select from a drop-down list of choices when entering data into the field. Then, select the lookup table to use from the list below the check box.
Precision box, type or select the number of decimal places to which you want to round the value entered in the field. Numbers greater than or equal to five are rounded up to the next number.
Show thousands separator check box to insert a comma at each thousands place.
Select OK to close the User Field dialog box, and then click Close to close the Design Fields dialog box.
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