Documents in databases that are under Library Services control can be checked out by users. However, you may notice that occasionally, documents are displayed as checked out even when they have not been checked out by any user. In this case, most likely Alchemy has checked out the document in background mode, which is used exclusively for operations that involve large volumes of data, such as during high-volume changes to documents following a scan operation.

In background mode, the following conditions apply:

Documents are checked out in exclusive mode.

No other users can access or change the documents until they are released by Library Services.

No new document versions are created.

When finished, Library Services returns the documents to an available status.

Background check out mode is used in the following situations:

Adding custom profile fields after an Add File, DataGrabber, or Scan with zone OCR operation


Batch OCR

Batch Profiling

Search/Replace  (Does not create a new version)

Moving a document in a database

Deleting a document

Creating a compound document