Once a document has been added to a database, and before the database is built, the documents can be manipulated while in thumbnails mode. As you scan documents, they are placed in the destination that you specified. If you did not choose to edit images during the scan, you can also edit the image after scanning it in the following ways:
Edit Image

You can adjust the document in various ways by clicking the Edit Image button on the toolbar and select from the list of options.
Rearrange, Add or Delete pages

If you have a multi-page TIFF file, you can: rearrange pages by drag and drop thumbnails to new locations to change the order of pages , to add pages to existing unbuilt tiff , right-click the thumbnail and click add page before, page after to insert a new page in the propoer order or rescan and to delete an page from the document, right-click the thumbnail and click Delete Selected Pages on the shortcut menu
Copy content from an image

You can copy and paste parts or all of the image to a clipboard to used with other applications, such as Microsoft Word, by simply dragging a box around the content you want, right mouse click then choose copy.
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