There are times when you need to determine how many licenses are in use from your Alchemy license pool. To display the licenses in use and available on your Alchemy Server, use Internet Explorer to browse to:



Interpreting The License Stats Report

This web page displays all licenses that are installed in Alchemy License Manager. Refer to the following list to cross-walk the numbers in the License ID column:

1             –     Administrator Client

2             –     Search Client

4             –     Standard Server

8             –     CAD

16            –     SCAN

32            –     DataGrabber

64            –     Database Encryption

128           –     Database Publishing

16777216      –     Alchemy WebEngine

67108864      –     WebViewer Extension

83886080      –     MailStore for Outlook

100663296     –     Alchemy Web Process Manager

117440512     –     Records Manager

134217728     –     MailStore Archive Service

150994944     –     MailStore Admin

184549376     –     Document Routing Activities

201326592     –     Document Routing Processes

218103808     –     Indexing Station

234881024     –     Audit Logging

285212672     –     Server Database Engine

301989888     –     Document Management Client

318767104     –     Advanced Server

335544320     –     RightFax Archive Link Application